Family Friendly Office at Wellington Wellness Clinic in Grand Junction.
I have always wanted to make my offices feel welcoming for children.
For many children, when they go see a doctor, it can be scary — most of the time, it’s a medical doctor, so they’re getting shots, which hurt. I’ve seen the looks on kids’ faces when they hear their parents call me “Dr. Gochee.” I’ve had children ask me if I am going to give them a shot and then had to spend much of the first visit or two reassuring them that they’re in a safe place and I will not cause them pain.

When I opened my first practice, I had stuffed animals as decorations in my office. These were not typical stuffed animals — they had little “spines” to show kids what an adjustment might look or sound like. It helped ease the tension some kids felt. Over the years, I have given those toys to certain kids as I watched them grow and be a part of their lives.
Of all the offices I’ve had, my new office is the most family-friendly one. Have you seen it yet? I have two treatment rooms with a door that opens between them. It makes it so nice when treating couples and families.

2530 N 8th St. Suite #206
Grand Junction, CO 81501
The other day, I had a family visit that made my heart sing. It was a mom with three kids — Mom was getting treated, and the oldest child was doing a new patient visit. While I was treating mom, all three kids played in the adjoining room. They checked out my equipment, cuddled on the adjusting bench, and just explored what was in the room. Then, during the new patient visit, Mom was able to stay with the child I was examining and still keep an eye on the other two, who continued to play and check out the room. The two younger children would come into the exam room to ask questions and then go back. They tried on some of my gloves and pretended to be doctors. They took a piece of my massage tool and pretended to “treat” one another with it while lying on the adjusting bench. I loved it! All of this wonderful, innocent, childlike behavior had me beaming with joy.

I finally have the treatment space I have always desired, because here, kids feel safe enough to be kids. Parents can bring their children and not have to stress over their behavior. Care can be given to the family without everyone being on top of everyone else or some of them left waiting in the reception area.
If you’ve ever been hesitant to visit a chiropractor because you weren’t sure what to do with the kids, please don’t let that be a deterrent now. Call my office today and set up an appointment for you and your little one.

Everyone truly is welcome here at the chiropractor.