About Wellington Wellness

The Founder of Wellington Wellness Clinic in Grand Junction, Colorado, is Dr. Carolyn Gochee.  Dr. Gochee is a holistic chiropractor that chose to specialize in wellness because of the myriad of benefits she and her family received from chiropractic care as she was growing up. She has expanded services to Include Functional Medicine, pediatric, pre and postnatal care, ionCleanse, Erchonia Red Laser and detoxification wellness programs.. Dr. Gochee saw a need for a Wellness Clinic that would serve Grand Junction with more than just an adjustment. The Clinic Provides Sacro Occipital Technique SOT® Craniopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Logan Basic Technique, Neuro Emotional Technique, Nutritional Evaluations, Functional Medicine, Nutrition Evaluation, and Nutritional Supplements, IonCleanses, and more.

Exterior of Wellington Wellness Clinic in Grand Junction
Wellington Wellness GJ CO 032

Our Mission

Are you a laborer? Do you ranch? Do you sit at a desk all day long? Are you pregnant?

Then you should consider seeing a chiropractor. Laborers and ranchers use and abuse their bodies every day on the job. I know. I am a farmer’s daughter. I grew up working on the farm. When I was in college I worked in factories during breaks. I realized how much the body can be abused by doing such work. I would recommend that people doing such need to come in once a month to keep themselves healthy and pain free.

Receptionists and office workers don’t use their bodies in the same way as ranchers and laborers, but they still injure their bodies. Muscles between the shoulder blades can go into spasm causing mid-back pain and neck tightness. Those muscle spasms will pull on the vertebrae and ribs and cause subluxations. Subluxations in turn can cause headaches, fatigue, brain fog, vision problems and many other disorders. Wrists and elbows also need to be adjusted even if wrist pads and supports are used to decrease carpal tunnel syndrome. The motion is still the same and a quick check can prevent any underlying causes.

Pregnant women generally develop low back pain and sciatica during pregnancy. Chiropractors can help ease these pains and it will not harm the baby. As visits to the obstetrician increase, also increase the visits to a chiropractor. The hormones that relax your ligaments in your pelvis for delivery will relax all the ligaments in your body making it hard for your body to hold adjustments.

Our Chiropractors and Wellness Practitioners

Barb Hedges BSN, RN, NC-BC

Barb Hedges BSN, RN

Owner/practitioner of Bluebird Sky Integrative Wellness.

Sara Spehar Ortho-Bionomy

Sara Spehar

Advanced Practitioner and Registered Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy.

Rachel Giller

Dr. Carolyn Gochee, BS, DC

Functional Medicine

The Irlen Clinic of the West 

Dr. Jeannie Dunn, Ed. D.

Dr. Jeannie Dunn, Ed. D.

Irlen® diagnostician, clinic director

The irlen Clinic of the West

Your Name Here

Adding Practitioners

Areas of Expertise

Sacro Occipital Technique SOT® Craniopathy

The Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT)® technique uses pelvic blocking in combination of both low -force and the HVLA style of adjusting.

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine is a practice of looking closer at a patient’s lab reports to find patterns in dysfunction. 

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

NET Practitioners use muscle testing to find the balance of stuck memory loops which can be a lot of fun! Muscle testing can be used to determine whether or not your body is “in harmony” 

Logan Basic Technique

In this practice a number of low-force techniques are utilized, one of which is called the Logan Basic Technique.

Applied Kinesiology

A technique that separates this Wellness Clinic from traditional chiropractors is called Applied Kinesiology (AK).

We're Here Whenever You Need Us


(970) 549-4241

Open Hours

Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 12 PM


2530 N. 8th St. #206
Grand Junction, CO 81501